Founded in 1905, the Dalmatian Club of America represents nearly 1,000 Dalmatian breeders and fanciers
across the United States and around the world. We are dedicated to promoting, preserving, and protecting the
wonderful Dalmatian breed.
We have written The Official Book of the Dalmatian,
an award-winning comprehensive book that tells you everything you need to know about the Dalmatian.
NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON! This site's design has not been updated for a decade and we hope you like the new look.
We publish The Spotter, a quarterly
magazine about the Dalmatian and club activities. The Spotter is the Winner of the Dog Writers
Association of America Award for Best Breed Club Publication for 1999
Get your DCA 2014 Waggin Tails West
Deck of Dalmatian Playing Cards here!
Deck of Cards
Decks are comprised of 56 individual cards, 52 regular cards and 4 jokers. The faces of the cards have
photos of Dalmatians whose owners paid for that particular card.
Limit of 500 deck of cards.
Are you Looking for a Dalmatian Puppy or Adult? Visit our Breeder Referral page
to see Dalmatian Breeder contacts in your area and our new litter listing service. Please read breeder ethics and guidelines to help you in chosing
a reputable breeder. Member Breeders click here and register to list your litters.
We support the Dalmatian Club of America Foundation,
a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization that helps fund research and education concerning
2021 National Specialty Conformation Judges
The election results for DCA 2021 National Specialty Conformation Judges are as follows:
Breed, Regular Class Dogs, Junior Showmanship - Carrie Jordan
Regular Class Bitches, Non Regular Classes - Jim Ham
63.2% (512 of 810) of the voting membership participated in this election. Thank you to all who did so.
Thank you to all the candidates who agreed to include their names on the ballot.
Congratulations to our winners!
Toni Linstedt
DCA Corresponding Secretary