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The Dalmatian Club of America
General Preventative Guidelines For Stone-Forming
Have your vet perform a routine, inexpensive urinalysis periodically.
If centrifuging spins out sediment from the urine specimen, send it for
assay only to one of the two urinary stone centers in the United States.
(Minnesota Urolith Center does not charge.)
Obtain "fresh" urine in a clean, chemically-inert container
(glass, plastic) for vet's testing. Do not obtain sample after Dal has
recently urinated when the bladder may been flushed of crystals or small
stones. Instead, obtain specimen either first thing in A.M. before feeding
(after urine has sat unemptied in the bladder overnight) or after dog has
not urinated for at least four to five hours. Deliver urine to vet as soon
as possible after collecting - do not refrigerate.
OF NORMAL URINARY PH 7.0. Dipstick fresh urine frequently and keep
a diary of pH readings.
If the pH goes below 7.0 (into the acidic
area of 6.5 or less) and stays there over the course of several dipstickings,
consider reevaluating the Dal's diet/drugs and consult with your vet for
additives to alkalinize the metabolizing of current food formulation.
If the pH goes above 7.0 (into the alkaline
area of 7.5 or higher) and stays there over the course of several dipstickings,
contact your vet to rule out a possible urinary infection.
Stone-formers should drink - unrestricted - only distilled
water for their entire lives. This form of water is available in any supermarket
where bottled water is stocked and is not expensive. Make sure labeling
specifies "distilled water," not merely "drinking," not "filtered" nor
"purified." (Filters on your water faucets or supply will not purify the
water to the extent that distilled water will.)
Formation of abnormal crystals and stones occurs in stagnant
urine. Let the Dalmatian urinate as frequently as possible (at least every
4-5 hrs.) so that the bladder is flushed of crystals before they progress
into stones.
Study Group on Urinary Stones
Research Committee
Dalmatian Club of America
contact: Tracie Tepke, Director
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Page last modified on May 5, 2014
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