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Dalmatian Club of America
Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2008 - O'Hare Hilton Hotel - Chicago, Illinois
(pending approval)


    The fourth quarter meeting of the Dalmatian Club of America Board of Governors was called to order at 1:00 PM Central CST on Saturday, November 1, 2008, at the O’Hare Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL, by the President, Dr. J. Charles Garvin. DCA Governors present in addition to Dr. Garvin were Mr. Kenneth Berg, Mrs. Sharon Boyd, Mr. John Cramer, Mrs. Meg Ispas-Hennessey, Dr. Mary-Lynn Jensen, Mrs. Diana Skibinski, and Mrs. Sheila Wymore, as well as AKC Delegate Mr. James W. Smith.


    The minutes of the third quarter meeting on July 19, 2008 were previously reviewed by the board via electronic mail. Mr. Cramer made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed. Seconded by Mr. Berg, the motion was approved unanimously.


  1. President - Charlie Garvin.

    President Garvin reported the membership of the Dalmatian Club of America recently completed an important ballot regarding discussing possible future AKC registration of the descendants of the Dalmatian- Pointer cross. The specific question was “Is it time for the DCA to discuss the possibility of AKC registration of the descendants of the Dalmatian-Pointer cross?” The results showed 611 envelopes received, with 603 valid ballots. Yes – 279 at 46.3% and No – 324 at 53.7%.

    President Garvin would like to thank all of the DCA members who made the effort to participate in the balloting. Many members spent a great deal of time and effort on all aspects of this subject; learning, gathering and sharing information and opinions. The issue was discussed at great lengths in the Spotter, at the DCA Annual meetings, and on the DCA membership e-list as well as several other e-lists. The discussions were, for the most part, valuable and informative, though some of the comments drifted too much toward attacking individual personalities.

    It is important to note that even the most inappropriate comments did not reach the level of antagonism and personal attacks that were, unfortunately, present during the similar debates in the early 1980’s. Again, the club members deserve credit for keeping the discussions mostly in bounds.

    DCA is now faced with the question of “Where do we go from here?” As President Garvin noted in the explanatory cover letter to the ballot: “If the vote is negative, DCA will continue to encourage discussion on the topics of the low uric acid progeny, and support further testing, research and education, but take no action regarding possible future AKC registration.”

    It is difficult to extract clear meaning from the results of any ballot, as there can be many reasons to vote “No” or “Yes” on the question. For some members there are still questions and concerns about the low uric acid dogs and breeding programs that at this time have not yet been adequately investigated or satisfactorily answered. There are some questions that were answered, but whose answers, to some, may not be deemed acceptable. Others are comfortable with what is known, and ready to proceed further toward investigating AKC registration.

    If there is interest in continuing to learn about the LUA dogs and breedings, and the ballot results from 2006 and 2008 indicate that there is, then we will need to work together to identify what unanswered questions still exist, and the best methods for answering those questions.

    Some questions may not have answers everyone likes. Our challenge will be to then compare the potential benefits versus adverse consequences, and to compare what is known versus what is not known – and may never be known.

    During the three years that we have been actively discussing these issues, the Board has followed three basic concepts:

    1. Keep the membership informed.
    2. Listen to the membership.
    3. Follow the mandates of the membership.

    The Board has done their part; the membership has done their part. There have been lively and active discussions, but there has been no crisis and there has been no chaos. In the long run, the Dalmatian Club of America will be better off because of the process by which this issue was handled.

    By continuing to all work together, we can contribute to further progress while enhancing the strength, effectiveness, and vitality of our parent club. Again, thanks to everyone who participated in the challenging endeavor, and is willing to continue to work on more upcoming club issues and projects.

  2. Vice-President - Mrs. Wymore had no remarks.

  3. Recording Secretary - Mrs. Skibinski

    Mrs. Skibinski brought a computer laptop for recording DCA Board Highlights. These highlights will be posted on the DCA Web Site in accordance with the Standing Rules.

  4. Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Boyd.

    Mrs. Boyd presented a three-page written report in which she related having responded to many requests of inquiry since the last meeting of the board on July 19, 2008. Mrs. Boyd responded to various letters, calls, emails of inquiry received from the public and the membership on such subjects as specialty matters, minutes, diet, registration, deafness, health issues, address changes, membership applications and dues. The registration insert forms continue to dribble in at a slow rate and are responded to with a Red Book.

    Other Secretarial activities included, but were not limited to, writing letters relating to issues regarding board requests and actions taken on July 19, 2008 and the handling of various correspondence relating to numerous separate DCA & AKC matters. It was noted that a letter from AKC was received regarding a template for classroom judges’ education. This will be forwarded to the Judges’ Education Committee.

  5. Treasurer - Meg Ispas-Hennessey

    Mrs. Hennessey presented a three-part report to the board in which she summarized the financial standing of the club, the specialty, and the status of other activities for which she is responsible.

    1. Mrs. Hennessey itemized the financial reports.

      1. Account Balances, Third Quarter 2008 and Year to Date. Mrs. Hennessey presented a review of all Account Balances for the third quarter 2008; as of September 30, 2008 the total in Bank, Asset and Investment was $118,169.72. Account Balances from January 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008 totaled $114,592.13.

      2. Income and Expense Statements, Third Quarter 2008 and Year to Date. Income from January 1, 2008, through September 30, 2008, was $39,977.06 and expenses were $27,340.62 for a net gain of $12,636.44. Income and Expense Statements from January 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008 showed income of $185,542.92 and expense of $155,746.13, for a net gain of $29,796.79 year to date.

      3. Current financial standings for the 2009 Sunflower KS Specialty were reviewed. With income to date of $1,167.00 and expenses of $4,157.60, the specialty is showing a net loss of $2,990.60.

    2. DCA dues invoices have been sent to the membership and reminders were sent out. A volunteer list compiled from the dues mailed was passed out to the board. A Drop List on nonpaying members and a proof copy of the 2009 membership booklet was presented to the board. The DCA Membership Booklet will be sent off for printing in November.

    3. Mrs. Hennessey reported that some of our monies were transferred to a Vanguard TIPS Fund. This is a US insured treasury fund that is not affected by fluctuations in the Stock Market.

    4. Mrs. Hennessey made a motion to donate $5,000.00, which is a portion of our taxable interest/non member income, to the Dalmatian Club of America Foundation for urinary stone disease. Seconded by Mrs. Skibinski, the motion was approved unanimously.

      Mr. Berg made a motion to increase our limit on our Fidelity Bond to $200,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Cramer, the motion was approved unanimously.


    AKC Delegate - James Smith.

    Mr. Smith reported that there are several items to be voted on at the December AKC Meeting involving rules applying to dog shows. One rule change would allow monthly billing of AKC licensed superintendents for fees due AKC as opposed to the current rule that requires fees be submitted within seven days of the close of the show. The goal is to improve efficiency and accuracy of accounting. There are also three additional items which pertain to Beagle Field Trials. Mr. Smith was instructed to approve the above changes.

    Mrs. Wymore made a motion to approve the Officers' reports. Seconded by Mr. Cramer, the motion was approved unanimously.


    A. Charles Garvin

    1. Ethics - Edward Flock

    Mr. Flock submitted a written report plus sent an addendum to his report. A packet was received by each of the board members regarding formal charges filed by one member against another over an Ethical Guideline. This situation will be considered under an executive board session.

    2. Legislative Liaison – Marie Fiore.

    No action required. Mrs. Fiore continues to forward emails about legislative information to the DCA Member List.

    3. Public Relations - Julie Lux.

    No action required.

    4. Web Page - Julia Soukup.

    Ms. Soukup submitted a written report to the board concerning web site activities. Ms. Soukup also reported on projects in process. There were approximately twenty seven additions/updates to the DCA web site. There are six projects in process. There are two projects that were performed as volunteer work.

    Ms. Soukup continues to improve the web site. A members’ only section is being considered. The Standing Rules will be looked at for inclusion in this section. Also, DCA is encouraging the current Webmaster and others to apply for Webmaster.

    B. Sheila Wymore

    1. AKC Gazette - Sharon Boyd.

      Mrs. Boyd reported that columns are being submitted timely and that there is a new staff member at AKC to receive columns.

    2. Historian - Cheryl Steinmetz.

      Mrs. Steinmetz reported on recent activity regarding inquiries and inventory management, as well as new materials received. Mrs. Steinmetz is working with webmaster Julia Soukup to update the DCA History pages. The committee has not yet found a new home for the English KC stud books and magazines from the Walter Johnson collection.

      Mrs. Boyd will contact Mrs. Steinmetz to seek advice and see if this committee would like several items currently being purged from the DCA Corresponding Secretary materials.

    3. The Spotter - Marie “Debbie” Zink.

      Miss Zink reported that the Fall issue of the Spotter is nearly completed. The current team members are Managing Editor Marie “Debbie” Zink, Layout Manager Jessica MacMillan, Advertising Manager Ann Lyon, Graphic Designers Laura Carpenter and Angie Henderson, Copy Manager Chad Garvin, Copy Manager Assistant Becky Goodwin, Publisher Kathy Szomoru, Reporters Kris Benoit, Jan Warren Linne’, Elli Lipshutz, Kathy McCoubrey, Chris Prince and Tana Rugg. The board was able to view some of the work the committee has completed on the Fall Spotter.

      The committee would like to hold a Photo contest similar to previous ones, start a classified page for members to sell dog related items in the Spotter and update the Spotter link on the DCA web site. The board was in favor of all concepts.

      The board reviewed and reconsidered a decision the Spotter Committee made regarding the upcoming cover story. The board upheld the committee’s decision and encouraged the author to write an article for the Spotter.

    C. Diana Skibinski

    1. DCARE - Diana Skibinski.

      Mrs. Skibinski reported a reimbursement application for three Dalmatians for $600.00 was approved and sent to Tammie Patterson of Dalsavers of Tennessee. The committee continues to discuss and work toward updating the Dalmatian Rescue Directory. Also, the statement for reimbursement is on the DCARE web page.

    2. Membership - Mary Widder.

      Ms. Widder submitted a written list of seven names to be considered for membership. Mrs. Skibinski read the list of applicants and their sponsors to the board. Mrs. Hennessy made a motion to accept the seven applications presented. Seconded by Mr. Berg, the motion was approved unanimously.

    3. Standard - Barbara Greenspan.

      Ms. Greenspan will be contacted to send a letter to Dog Judge’s Association of America in regards to the Dalmatian snapshot in their Breed Snapshot Publication.

    D. Sharon Boyd

    1. Specialty Steering - John Cramer.

      Mr. Cramer submitted a written report. The Steering Committee feels that they do not have enough time to find a new show site and negotiate a contract with the new site in a proper time for the 2011 DCA Specialty. The committee was able to approve a contract with the Ft. Mitchell Hotel again. The contract is very favorable for DCA. This will give the committee time to locate and negotiate a contract for the 2012 DCA Show. A new contract was presented to the board for approval.

      Mr. Berg made a motion to place the Steering Committee on inactive status and establish a new committee called Specialty Site Selection Committee chaired by John Cramer. This committee’s primary function will be for specialty site selection and other duties deemed necessary by the board. Seconded by Mr. Berg, the motion was approved unanimously.

      Mr. Cramer made a motion to accept the contract to hold our National Specialty from April 29 through May 4, 2011 at Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky. Seconded by Mrs. Hennessey, the motion was approved unanimously.

      1. Specialty Show Committee - Sheila Wymore.
        Mrs. Wymore presented a written report to the board.

        1. i. DCA Specialty 2009, 4/2 – 4/8, Lawrence, Kansas. Sheila Wymore, Chair.

          Mrs. Wymore reported everything is on schedule for the 2009 Sunflower Classic. All committees are in place and chairs are working diligently within their scope of responsibility.

          Information necessary for the completion of the show application process was sent via email to Sharon Boyd. The Agility site chosen has never been used for an AKC Agility trial before, so we were required to prepare a Site Evaluation form, which was accepted. All applications and judges for all events have now been approved.

          A Performance tee shirt has been designed and offered to encourage support of the Performance Fund, although no chair has been appointed for that committee. Once the committee receives a pdf of the logo, we will email all Performance chairs requesting support of the Performance fund. We will also e-blast the membership.

          Logo merchandise for pre-order has been chosen and will be handed out at the show rather than mailed. There will be an extra charge for mailing of items not picked up at the show. Additional logo items may be offered for sale during the show pending any attractive sales that come across the desk of Chair Michelle Collingwood.

          The Road Trial Chair has been given permission to develop a fund-raising effort on behalf of the Road Trial this year, with the understanding that if the Performance fund is actively chaired in 2010, it will cover the Road Trial for that year with no additional fundraising efforts allowed.

          The Pre-show Insert has been prepared and is awaiting insertion in the Fall Spotter. The insert has been sent to Julia Soukup for updating of the show web site. Next deadline to be met is that of the premium list. Personal contact has been made with Mary Beth at Onofrio to let her know the change of guard and contact info for this year’s show.

          The Lawrence Holiday Inn has offered to host a separate web page for our event, and Julia Soukup is looking into supplying the information in the format requested. Once set up, visitors will be able to book rooms from the site and still get the DCA discount rate. When the site is up and running, we will e-blast information on how to access it.

          The committee is beginning the process of sweepstakes judge selection, working within the parameters of the new Standing Rule change regarding Futurity judge/Sweepstakes judge selection/ballots results. Also it is respectfully requested that a current set of Standing Rules be made available as there have been several changes voted on within the last year pertinent to the specialty.

        2. DCA Specialty 2010, 4/1 – 4/7, Lawrence, Kansas.

          The logo has been chosen for the 2010 show, which gave rise to the theme “Sunflower Frolic”. It is currently in final design stage.

          Pending board acceptance, Sheila Wymore will remain as chair for the 2010 show. Mrs. Skibinski made a motion that the board designates Sheila Wymore as the 2010 National Specialty Chair. Seconded by Dr. Jensen, the motion was approved unanimously.

          Most of the chairs for the 2009 show, when originally approached, were requested to serve for 2010 as well. Many are staying on, which will provide good continuity. Some committees have co-chairs, which will help in succession.

          It is the goal of this chairman to have a set of e-files ready to hand the next chair, with templates for contracts, letters, schedules, committee tasks, etc., in an effort to ease future transitions.

        3. Top Twenty – John Cramer.

          Mr. Cramer reported the Judge’s ballot will be going out to the committee in November. Invitations for the Top Twenty will be sent out on the first of January for the past Top Twenty winners and the top fifteen from the November list. The rest of Top Twenty candidates will be sent out as soon as the final list is complete.

        4. DCA Digital Media - Irvin Krukenkamp.

          Dr. Krukenkamp submitted a written report for board review.

          It was noted that 70 copies of Keith Murphy’s Lecture from the Betty Garvin DVD Series have been requested and distributed. The board found this large number interesting and rewarding.

          The color video production is on schedule. The first two Color video modules (AKC Standard for Color & Markings; Color Disqualifications) were distributed under separate cover to board members & AKC Delegate. The board found the video to be on its way to becoming an outstanding educational tool and notes further fine tuning is needed. Input from the Judges’ Education Committee will be needed. The board requests a transcript of the first two modules be sent to the board, as well as a transcript of the future modules.

    E. Meg Hennessey

    1. Awards & Trophys - Laura Lightholder.

      Ms. Lightholder reported she is waiting for direction from the board in regards to Trophies after 2009. The board directed Laura Lightholder to investigate different avenues in case they are needed.

    2. Membership Education - Sue MacMillan

      Ms. MacMillan reported the committee has updated the Road Trial, Hearing Study Group and Agility Articles. Several articles are now in the process of being updated plus completed drafts of co-ownership and lease contracts will be reviewed.

    3. Purina Pro Club Challenge - Meg Hennessey.

      Mrs. Hennessey reported receiving a letter from the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program noting the Dalmatian Club of America through its participation in the Purina Parent Club Partnership (PPCP) Program has a great opportunity to enhance the health and well-being of the Dalmatian. Like the 166 other clubs participating in the program, The Dalmatian Club of America earns funding for important canine health studies, education efforts and rescue programs when Purina Pro Club members submit their weight circles and declare the Dalmatian Club of America to receive matching funds and submit their weight circles. As of August 31, 2008, the Dalmatian Club of America has 592 members declared for the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program. From January 1, 2008 though August 31, 2008, 120 members have submitted weight circles resulting in a total of $2,043.81 accumulated thus far for the 2008 program. Mrs. Hennessey encourages all DCA members to collect and submit weight circles.

    F. Ken Berg

    1. Futurity - Steven E. Nielsen.

      Mr. Nielsen submitted a written report.

      As of 10/14/2008, the 2009 Futurity has 98 litters nominated. This compares to 126 nominated for 2008. This is a 22% decrease in litter nominations. For the 2007 futurity there were 109 litters nominated. This is a decrease of 10% compared to the 2007 futurity. Litter nominations for 2009 are closed.

      As of 10/14/2008, the 2009 Futurity has 172 pups nominated. Nominations are still open with 25 litters still in the nomination window. Mr. Nielsen expects an estimated 220 pups to be nominated for 2009. This compares to 319 nominated for 2008. This is a 31% decrease. Please note that 2008 was an exceptional year with 2.6 pups per litter nominated, 2009 will be closer to the normal ration of 1.9. He believes that the 22% decrease in litter nominations falls within the normal year to year variation. Historically this means the entry should be between 100 and 110 pups.

      The 2010 Futurity currently has 7 litters nominated. This compares to 7 at this time for 2009. No pups have been nominated for 2010.

      The Futurity fees are as follows: $20.00 to nominate the bitch/litter, $5.00 to nominate each pup (this must be done before they reach 4 months) and a sustaining fee of $10.00 paid in conjunction with the entry fee of $20.00 so a total of $30.00 is paid at the time of entry. This is the confusing part, the entry fee is a two part fee: $10.00 is the sustaining fee and $20.00 is the entry fee for a total of $30.00.

      On the last report the committee suggested that the board might consider raising the pup nomination fee to $7.50 for 2011. It’s been $5.00 for over 10 years and $5.00 isn’t what it was 10 years ago. The committee doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other. Mr. Cramer made a motion that starting in 2011 the puppy nomination fee for Futurity will be increased from $5.00 to $10.00. Seconded by Mr. Berg, the motion was approved unanimously.

      The judge selection process has begun for the 2009 Futurity and there are 22 individuals nominated by letter. Letters are now out seeking their permission to be placed on the ballot and are due back November 5, 2008. The voting will start shortly after that.

    2. Judges Education - Elaine Lindhorst.

      Mrs. Lindhorst submitted a report stating a Seminar will be presented by Meg Hennessey in conjunction with the Chicagoland Specialty. A letter from the Sherluck Multimedia, LTD requesting coordination on developing a new non-sporting DVD was received. The board is interested in this project and requests Mr. Berg contact Sherluck Multimedia, LTD and inform them that coordination will be deferred until the American Kennel Club Realignment is complete.

    3. Public Education - Joanne Nash.

      No action required.

    G. John Cramer

    1. Junior Showmanship - Mary Miller.
      Ms. Miller submitted a written report. She is awaiting a time slot for the Junior Showmanship outing at the National. Ms. Miller will find the handlers to hold the clinic and would like to have pizza and pop immediately after the clinic. Since she will not be able to attend, Ms. Miller will need someone to arrange these refreshments.

    2. Regional Club Council - Karen Linsky.
      Mrs. Linsky submitted a three page contact list for Regional Clubs. President Garvin researched and discovered this information can also be accessed on the American Kennel Club’s database.

    3. Standing Rules - Michelle Wrath.
      This committee is currently seeking individuals that are literate in computer database. The Standing Rules need to be updated and placed in an easily accessible format.

    H. Mary-Lynn Jensen

    1. Breeder Referral - Jackie Quinn

      Mrs. Quinn submitted a written report sharing correspondence was sent to all Regional Club Presidents requesting all Breeder Referral Representatives appointed by Regional Clubs adhere to the DCA Ethical Guidelines. If a representative is unable to adhere to these Ethical Guidelines, they must be replaced with a representative that will.

      As this committee did not have all the officers of each of the regional clubs, DCA Corresponding Secretary, Sharon Boyd, sent an email to all clubs requesting the names of all officers. This was ultimately sent to Ms. Quinn to update her information. There is one change of Breeder Referral Representative for Regional Clubs which is Ellen Muller.

    2. Performance Events - Rick Miller.

    3. Agility - Holly Waldrop.

      Ms. Waldrop reported the first joint DCA/Clarksville Kennel Club all-breed agility trial was a success. Competitors and judges alike were complimentary of the committee’s efforts. Ms. Waldrop is grateful for the continued assistance and support from Lynn Luikart, Julie Dawson, Michelle Gossett and Christopher Waldrop. The gross income was $3,480.80 with a ribbon order of $676.03 and the value of the remaining ribbons are $261.59. The net income was $3,066.36 and a check was forwarded to Meg Hennessey.

      The Clarksville Kennel Club President, Jill Hootman, and Ms. Waldrop have begun contacting judges for next year’s trial. Based on this year’s success, the committee plans to hire one additional judge and increase the runs per day to 750. This will increase income with only a moderate increase in expenses. Dr. Jensen made a motion that the board grants permission for one additional judge to be hired for the DCA/Clarksville Kennel Club all-breed agility trial. Seconded by Mr. Cramer, the motion was approved unanimously. Based on this year’s success, the committee hopes to contribute more next year to help fund the DCA agility trial for 2010.

    4. Obedience - Lynn Luikart.

      No Action Required.

    5. Road Trials - Peggy Strupp.

      Mrs. Strupp reported there was no official report received for the Central Carolina Dalmatian Club CC Test. Through internet chats it was reported the Trial was successful with two dogs qualifying. The Greater Washington Road Trial is this month and the Mid-Florida Road Trial is coming up.

      Mrs. Strupp has secured a location, Host Chair and a judge for the National Road Trial in Lawrence, Kansas. The host chair is Rosie Branaman and she is working on securing a veterinarian. Fundraising options are being examined. This committee gives special thanks to Sheila Wymore for her work on this event.

    6. Tracking – Elaine Dodson.

      DCA 2009 Tracking Chair Mrs. Dodson has named Sherry Cornwell to Tracking Secretary. A tracking committee of five has been chosen. Materials for the DCA premium list has bent sent to DCA 2009 Show Chairman Sheila Wymore.

    I. Irv Krukenkamp

    1. Health and Research - Dr. Krukenkamp.

      Dr. Krukenkamp submitted a written report on general activities.

      1. Health Clinics - Danielle Levangie.

        Ms. Levangie submitted a written report on the 2009 Health Clinic that included an informal budget. The room for the Health Clinics in 2009 will work out just fine and there will be no extra charge. After the health testing is completed, the area will be used for crating.

        The CERF Testing will be performed by Susan Keil, DVM, MS, DAVCO of Mission MedVet Referral/Emergency Hospital in Mission, Kansas. She requires a minimum of 40 dogs signed up one week minimum prior to the clinic. She would rather have scheduled appointments.

        Meg Hennessey advised that there are only 5 michrochips left, so more will need to be ordered and she has a scanner the committee may use for this clinic. There may be a registered vet tech that can work this clinic for free and more will be known by the next DCA board meeting.

        DNA Testing for Parentage and Color can also be offered. The cost from AKC for DCA Test Kits is $35.00 plus shipping and the cost from vetGen for coat color testing is $65.00 per dog plus shipping.

        Also, if Suzie Hughes attends the 2009 specialty she would be willing to bring her equipment for Bladder Ultrasound and BAER Testing. Ms. Levangie would like to keep this option open.

        Mr. Berg made a motion that 2009 Health Clinic includes a DNA Cheek Swab Clinic for the OFA CHIC Repository. Seconded by Dr. Jensen, the motion was approved unanimously.

        A 50 % subsidy for each activity was proposed for DCAF. Mrs. Hennessey made a motion that the Dalmatian Club of America request the Dalmatian Club of America Foundation subsidizes the 2009 CERF Clinic and the DNA Cheek Swab Clinic. Seconded by Mrs. Jensen, the motion was approved unanimously.

        Ms. Levangie suggests that we change the name to DCA Health Testing instead of Clinics. The board favors this change. An incentive program will be designed to encourage members to obtain testing needed for a CHIC number.

      2. Hearing Study Group – Scott Facey.
        Mr. Facey submitted a proposed position statement on deafness for the web site. The board reviewed this statement and noted it needs to be shorter and more user friendly. Possibly a technical writer will need to be brought in to help edit the currently proposed position statement of deafness to make it more succinct.

      3. c) Low Uric Acid Study Group
        The Normal Canine Uric Acid (NUA) Dalmatians were exhibited in October at Davis, CA as a part of the Dalmatians of North America (DNA) Specialty. Media coverage was obtained. Dr. Bannasch’s seminal paper has been accepted for publication in PLOS Genetics. The Dalmatian Club of America will work on an appropriate response as required.

        The board is in favor of continuing the testing and breeding of the Dalmatian-Pointer Backcrosses. The board looks forward to reviewing proposals in support of that concept.

      4. Statistics - Robert VonMayr.

        Mr. Von Mayr reported he has continued compilation of 2008 statistics. He has answered 3 queries on statistics. Mr. Von Mayer requested the board status of his request for the “super report” that the AKC was to investigate. Such a report would greatly ease the statistics job, reduce the cost of the job to the club and create a more timely statistics inputs to various committees that require it. When this was visited last, AKC was willing but it was complicated and time consuming and they didn’t want to take it on right then.

Mrs. Skibinski made a motion to approve the reports of the Standing Committees. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore, the motion was approved unanimously.


  1. Review of “List of Things to Do.
    President Garvin led a discussion reviewing the “Things to Do” from the last meeting, covering the items that were each board member’s responsibility to handle after the last meeting.

  2. Group Realignment - Charlie Garvin
    President Garvin reported the American Group Realignment Committee has a proposed list of Breeds and Groups. Group 1: Sporting – Pointers and Setters, Group 2: Sporting – Retrievers and Spaniels, Group 3: Scent Hounds, Group 4: Sight Hounds, Group 5: Working (Dalmatians), Group 6: Terriers, Group 7: Toys, Group 8: Companion, Group 9: Herding. Group 10: Northern.

  3. Registry of Merit ROM/ROMX – Diana Skibinski.
    Mrs. Skibinski reported the Grandfathered Sires and Dams are now up on the DCA web site. Also the description of the program and applications are now available. It will also be printed in the Spotter. Julia Soukup is currently creating the certificates to be sent by email. An application for requesting a certificate for Grandfathered Sires and Dams will be made available.

  4. DCA Minutes – Charles Garvin.
    President Garvin led a discussion on recording individual board member votes on motions. Mr. Berg made a motion that all non unanimous votes on motions be recorded noting yeas and nays. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore, this motion passed by majority with Mr. Berg, Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Hennessey, Dr. Jensen, Mrs. Skibinski, and Mrs. Wymore in favor and Mr. Cramer opposed.

  5. Conflict of Interest – Sharon Boyd.
    Mrs. Boyd reported the board had previously directed the Corresponding Secretary to send letters to a board member explaining a conflict of interest and requesting a response. There has been no response. Once again the Corresponding Secretary will send a letter noting this conflict of interest and requesting a response within two weeks after receipt of the letter.

  6. Nominating Committee – Sharon Boyd.
    The Nominating Committee reported the candidates for DCA Board of Governors to serve a three-year term beginning in 2009. They are Sharon Boyd Richmond, TX, Meg Hennessey Marengo IL, Laura Lightholder Oak Forest, Il, Lynn Elizabeth Luikart Centerville, OH, Sharon R. Lyons Pleasant Valley, NY and Robert W. Von Mayr Sahuarita, AZ. Chair Mr. C.E. Flock must receive any further nominations before December 1, 2008. Any additional nominees will be posted to the DCA Members List after closing.


  1. AKC Health Foundation – Charles Garvin.
    President Garvin presented a request from the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation for funds supporting various Grants. Mr. Berg made a motion that DCA request DCAF funds for American Kennel Club Health Foundation Grant 1105: Understanding the Dynamics of Canine Influenza Transmission in Dog Populations and Intervention Strategies for Reducing Transmission by Cynda Crawford, DVM, PhD: University of Florida. Seconded by Dr. Jensen, the motion was approved unanimously.

  2. DCA Members List – Charles Garvin.
    President Garvin will place a message regarding the tenor and tone of recent messages on the DCA Member’s List. This is not acceptable on our list, other lists or private emails.

  3. Welcome Party – Jim Smith.
    Mr. Smith recognized there is a need to welcome first time attendees at the National Specialty. He will make up a basket of buttons for new attendees sharing that this is their first National Specialty. These buttons will be passed out at the Welcome Table. The board members and several other willing members, numbering about 25, will wear “Ask Me” buttons to help them with questions.


The first quarter meeting of the DCA Board of Governors will be on Saturday, February 28, 2009 at the O’Hare Hilton Hotel in Chicago, IL at 1:00PM CST.

The second quarter meeting of the DCA Board of Governors will be on Saturday, April 4, 2009 at the Holiday Inn in Lawrence, Kansas at 8:00AM CDT.

The board studied charges that had been filed against a board member. The board unanimously voted to decline jurisdiction.




    Mrs. Hennessey made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 PM Central CST. Seconded by Mr. Cramer, the motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Skibinski
DCA Recording Secretary

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Page last updated: February 11, 2009

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