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Dalmatian Club of America
Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
February 28, 2009 - O'Hare Hilton Hotel - Chicago, Illinois


    The first quarter meeting of the Dalmatian Club of America Board of Governors was called to order at 1:05 PM CST on Saturday, February 28, 2009, at the O’Hare Hilton Hotel, Chicago, IL by the President, Dr. J. Charles Garvin. DCA Governors present were Mrs. Norma Baley, Mrs. Sharon Boyd, Mr. John Cramer, Mrs. Meg Ispas-Hennessey, Mr. Robert Lawson, Ms. Laura Lightholder, Mrs. Diana Skibinski, and Mrs. Sheila Wymore, as well as AKC Delegate Mr. James W. Smith.


    The minutes of the fourth quarter meeting on November 1, 2008 were previously reviewed by the board via electronic mail. Mrs. Wymore made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed. Seconded by Mrs. Boyd, the motion was approved unanimously. John Cramer noted a motion regarding Futurity was redundant and needs to be placed in brackets noting the original motion. This information will be given to the recording secretary.


  1. President - Charlie Garvin.

    President Garvin reported since the last Board meeting, there has been a dramatic change in the makeup of the Board of Directors. Immediately after the last meeting, Dr. Irv Krukenkamp resigned. Immediately after the membership voted on the question regarding pursuing AKC registration of the back-cross progeny, Mr. Ken Berg resigned. Immediately after the Board appointed Mr. Berg’s successor, Dr. Mary-Lynn Jensen PhD resigned. The Board will be very well served by the appointments of Mr. Robert Lawson and Mrs. Norma Baley. A successor for the reminder of a vacant term in the class of 2010 will be appointed later in the meeting.

    Also at this meeting there will be the election of officers. President Garvin noted that his term as a voting member on the Board of Governors has expired and that he will be no longer be President. He is sure the Board will choose wisely and looks forward to helping during the transition phase.

    President Garvin found it interesting to note that in the new data on AKC registration, the Dalmatians had a small bump in popularity and litter registrations, although the sheer number of dog registrations fell. The Dalmatian now ranks 74th in popularity which is the highest since 2002.

    Of course, Dalmatians are caught in the same difficulty that is affecting all AKC registrations which has shown a precipitous decline over the last decade or so. The inroads of other so called “registries” and the popular influence of the animal rights radicals have certainly taken their toll. The message for us is to realize that there are bigger threats out there than just the disagreements and differences of opinion among various Dalmatian fanciers.

    The club membership indicated that they do not want to pursue AKC registration of the backcross progeny at this time. However, there still is substantial interest in research and education regarding the low uric acid dogs. The Board will discuss where we should go from here.

    The situation is complicated by each “side” having several factions. Some low uric acid proponents insist that the DCA Board should take the lead in advancing further research projects; while others have either left the club or claimed that the LUA enthusiasts don’t need the DCA and the DCA should play no future role. Some of the members who were opposed to pursuing registration would be happy to see the low uric acid enthusiast just go away, but many would be interested in learning more about the low uric acid issue and getting answers to some of the perplexing and difficult questions that are still out there.

    President Garvin also supplied the Board with his February Spotter Report.

  2. Vice-President - Mrs. Wymore had no remarks.

  3. Recording Secretary - Mrs. Skibinski had no remarks.

  4. Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Boyd.

    Mrs. Boyd reported that since November 1, 2008, she has performed all duties as prescribed by the Board of Governors in the Things To Do List including but not limited to, sent To Do List and updated committee lists to all Board members and Mr. Smith; prepared and submitted materials for ballot; received from the nominating committee two additional candidates for Board of Governors and posted on the DCA Members List; received official letter of results from the DCA Teller, notified the Board with a copy of the letter of results and posted to the DCA Members List; received letter of resignation from the Board from Mr. Ken Berg; received letters of resignations from the club from Marion Mitchell, Leslie Beal and Denise Powell; arranged for a conference call meeting for December 8, 2008 and February 11, 2009 to confirm the filling of Board vacancies; notified candidates who had been nominated to fill these vacancies of the Board’s appointments; prepared pertinent acceptance forms for Mr. Lawson and Mrs. Baley; received a letter of resignation from the Board from Dr. Mary-Lynn Jensen PhD; sent get well cards to Peggy Rudder and sent expression of sympathy to Mrs. Barbara Alderman Heitzman on the passing of her husband. Mrs. Boyd also responded to various letters, calls, emails of inquiry received from the public and the membership on such subjects as specialty matters, minutes, diet, registration, deafness, health issues, address changes, membership applications and dues. The registration insert forms continue to dribble in at a slow rate and are responded to with a Red Book.

    Mrs. Boyd read a letter from the ACVIM Registry of Cardiac Health which encouraged DCA to select ARCH as the default cardiac registry for the Canine Health Information Center (CHIC). This letter will be referred to the Health and Research Chair. A letter requesting a nominee for an AKC Lifetime Achievement Award was read. The Board nominated Dr.David G. Doane MD for the AKC Lifetime Achievement Award. A letter inviting DCA to hold a specialty at the Morris and Essex Kennel Club was declined due to a lack of interest.

  5. Treasurer - Meg Ispas-Hennessey

    Mrs. Hennessey presented a four-part report to the board in which she summarized the financial standing of the club, the national specialty, and the status of other activities for which she is responsible.

    1. Mrs. Hennessey itemized the financial reports.

      1. Account Balances, Fiscal Year End 2008 and Year to Date. Mrs. Hennessey presented a review of all Account Balances for the year end; as of December 31, 2008 the total in Bank, Asset and Investment was $109,139.86. Account Balances from January 1, 2009 through February 27, 2009 totaled $118,534.45.

      2. Income and Expense Statements, Fiscal Year End 2008 and Year to Date. Income from January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008, was $191,260.16 and expenses were $166,664.72 for an overall total of net gain of $24,594.44. Income and Expense Statements from January 1, 2009 through February 27, 2009 showed income of $29,577.16 and expense of $20,182.57, for a net gain of $9,394.59 year to date.

      3. Current financial standings for the 2009 Sunflower Specialty were reviewed with income to date of $21,864.00 and expenses of $7,895.90 with a current net total of $13,967.10.

      4. The Spotter has a net gain of $1,275.41 for the Fiscal Year End 2008. This increase is due to cutting expenses even though postage has increased.


    AKC Delegate - James Smith.

    Mr. Smith reported sending the Board an email from AKC regarding ABC Nightline Interviews. These interviews will be from the Westminster Kennel Club. Permission is granted for this email to be cross posted and forwarded to others. He also noted the American Kennel Club had a net drop in income of forty eight million dollars in 2008. Some of the loss is due to the new categories for reporting income. Mr. Smith shared biographical information on the 8 candidates running for the AKC Board. The DCA Board of Governors instructed Mr. Smith to vote using his best judgment and the input gained from Board discussion. The AKC Good Sportsmanship medal was received from Mr. Smith.

    Mr. Lawson made a motion to approve the Officers and Delegate reports. Seconded by Mrs. Skibinski, the motion was approved unanimously.


  1. President Garvin opened the floor to nominations for the office of president. Mrs. Boyd nominated Mrs. Hennessey for the office of president; seconded by Mrs. Wymore. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Skibinski made a motion that nominations be closed and that the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Hennessey as president. Seconded by Mrs. Baley the motion was approved unanimously.

  2. Dr. Garvin then turned the meeting over to President Hennessey. President Hennessey entertained nominations for the position of vice-president. Mrs. Boyd nominated Mrs. Wymore for the office of Vice President; seconded by Mrs. Skibinski. There being no further nominations, Mr. Cramer made a motion that the nominations be closed and the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Wymore as Vice-President. Seconded by Mr. Lawson the motion was approved unanimously.

  3. President Hennessey entertained nominations for the position of recording secretary. Mrs. Boyd nominated Mrs. Skibinski for the office of recording secretary; seconded by Mr. Lawson. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Wymore made a motion that the nominations be closed and the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Skibinski as Recording Secretary. Seconded by Mr. Cramer the motion was approved unanimously.

  4. President Hennessey entertained nominations for the position of corresponding secretary. Ms. Lightholder nominated Mrs. Boyd for the office of corresponding secretary; seconded by Mr. Cramer. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Baley made a motion that the nominations be closed and the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mrs. Boyd as Corresponding Secretary. Seconded by Mrs. Skibinski the motion was approved unanimously.

  5. President Hennessey entertained nominations for the position of treasurer. Ms. Lightholder nominated Mr. Cramer for the office of treasurer; seconded by Mr. Lawson. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Boyd made a motion that the nominations be closed and the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Cramer as Treasurer. Seconded by Mrs. Baley the motion was approved unanimously.

  6. President Hennessey entertained nominations for the position of AKC Delegate. Mrs. Skibinski nominated Mr. James W. Smith for the position of AKC Delegate; seconded by Mrs. Baley. There being no further nominations, Mr. Cramer made a motion that the nominations be closed and the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. James W. Smith as Delegate. Seconded by Mr. Lawson the motion was approved unanimously.


    A. Charles Garvin

    1. Ethics - Edward Flock

    Mr. Flock submitted a written report stating there are no current Ethics issues to report for this quarter.

    2. Legislative Liaison – Marie Fiore.

    No action required.

    3. Public Relations - Julie Lux.

    No action required.

    4. Web Page - Julia Soukup.

    Ms. Soukup submitted a written report to the board of Web site activities, including additions to both the DCA and Spotter web sites plus detailed email list administration. Ms. Soukup also reported on projects in process. There were approximately 23 additions to the web site. There are five projects in process. There will be new moderators assigned to the DCA Members List to encourage a positive climate. A members’ only area is coming soon for DCA business on the DCA Web Site.

    B. Sheila Wymore

    1. AKC Gazette - Sharon Boyd.

      Mrs. Boyd submitted a written report noting there are no issues to report.

    2. Historian - Cheryl Steinmetz.

      No action required.

    3. The Spotter - Marie “Debbie” Zink.

      Ms. Zink submitted a written report indicating the Winter Spotter should be to the Printer next week. There are thirty ads with five performance articles. There is one backcross article by Jim Seltzer.

      Ms. Zink is in the process of preparing a guideline for all editor and manager positions. This will allow volunteers to know what they will need to do as they come on board. This will also give the DCA Board an idea of what the team members are doing. Ms. Zink is also researching who gets what report for the Top Spots Issue. Letters for the cover winners have been sent to the next two winners. The committee is returning to selecting the three cover winners at the DCA National Specialty. Choosing the third winner at a later date did not increase revenue. The ads are coming in on a timely basis and we are working on adding flare to the magazine. Mr. Cramer made a motion to allow the Spotter to fill any available spaces with free advertisement for charitable organizations dealing with canines. Seconded by Mr. Lawson the motion was approved unanimously.

    C. Diana Skibinski

    1. DCARE - Diana Skibinski.

      Mrs. Skibinski submitted a written report requesting guidance on questions submitted by Gilda Turner. The Board directed Mrs. Skibinski to share the Standing Rules regarding the purpose of DCARE. Mrs. Turner also mentioned the idea of placing rescue success stories on the DCA Web Site. The Board thought rescue success stories would be interesting material for the Spotter. Currently the DCARE Rescue Directory is 50% updated with plans to have it fully updated by the next Board meeting. DCARE reimbursed Home Again Rescue $187.15 for rescuing a Dalmatian. Mrs. Skibinski is interested in stepping down from the DCARE Chair but wishes to remain on the committee. Cindy Bowman is interested in becoming the DCARE Chair. Mr. Lawson made a motion to name Cindy Bowman as the DCARE Chair. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore the motion was approved unanimously.

    2. Membership - Mary Widder.

      Mrs. Widder submitted a written list of names to be considered for membership. Mrs. Skibinski read the list of 9 names to the board. Mrs. Skibinski made a motion to approve the membership of all 9 candidates. Seconded by Ms. Lightholder the motion was approved unanimously.

    3. Standard - Barbara Greenspan.

      No action required.

    D. Sharon Boyd

    1. Site Selection Committee - John Cramer.

      Mr. Cramer made a motion to nominate Cindy Riggans as the 2011 DCA Specialty Show Chair. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore the motion was approved unanimously. DCA has been invited to Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2012. There is a new hotel and Mr. Cramer will follow up and report on this location.

      Mrs. Boyd made a motion to change the title of the Site Selection Committee to Specialty Steering Committee. Seconded by Mr. Cramer the motion was approved unanimously.

      1. Specialty Show Committee - Sheila Wymore.

        1. i. April 2 - 8, 2009 Lawrence, Kansas. Sheila Wymore, Chair.

          Mrs. Wymore submitted a written report stating everything is on schedule for 2009. All committee chairs are working diligently within their scope of responsibility. Mrs. Wymore has had fantastic cooperation from these chairs and wishes to thank them for all of their efforts. This report includes activity since the November Board Meeting.

          The Futurity judge selection was completed and the name of the judge chosen – Lizabeth Hancock – was submitted to AKC by Corresponding Secretary Sharon Boyd. Also the Sweepstakes candidates were selected and went out with the January ballot. The winner was Mary-Lynn Jensen Ph.D, whose name was submitted to AKC by Secretary Sharon Boyd. This completed the information required for the premium lists, the names above were communicated to Onofrio and the premium list was mailed first class as well as being listed on the Onofrio web site. Work is continuing on assembling information for the catalog, with a deadline of March 1st for submission to Onofrio.

          The Pre-show Insert orders closed February 1st and numbers have been passed on to the committee chairs affected by the orders. Logo and Performance will close on February 20th, orders placed February 23rd. Banquet dinners can continue to be ordered up to 72 hours prior to the event.

          An offer was received by Liz Devlin, Chrystal K-9, who is willing to offer her nearby grooming facilities for the use of DCA members who do not want to bathe dogs outside at the hotel. She is preparing a leaflet for inclusion in the welcome bags.

          DCA member Janette Sheldon has generously offered, and delivered to the show chairman, a beautiful handmade quilt donated by herself, the Heartland Club, and Magrags (Deby and Jim Harber). The proceeds are designed to be used for the specialty. With consensus of the show committee, it was decided that a raffle would be the best method for fundraising. Pictures of the quilt are on the web site, promos for ticket sales went out on e-lists, sales will continue at the specialty with a final drawing to be held the night of the banquet.

        2. April 1 – 7, 2010 Lawrence, Kansas - Sheila Wymore.

          Mrs. Wymore reported that Logo items will be promoted after the general membership meeting at the 2009 show. Magnets will be available for handout. The back page of the 2009 catalog will feature info on the 2010 DCA and Heartland shows.

          The catalog committee has submitted a separate report for board consideration. A decision on 2010 trophies must be made at the February meeting to enable the committee to assemble a donation book with the trophy selections, for circulation at the 2009 specialty.

          Mrs. Wymore noted that the 2010 specialty will occur during Easter week. The Board decided that information regarding religious services in the area will be made available for those who wish to attend services.

          Mrs. Wymore respectfully requests a current set of Standing Rules be made available as there have been several changes voted on within the last year that are pertinent to the specialty.

    2. Top Twenty – John Cramer.

      Mr. Cramer submitted a written report noting the committee has selected the judges. The invitations have been sent out to the 2008 Top Twenty qualifiers. The catalog information is being coordinated and sent to the printers. The room has been coordinated with the hotel. It appears that there will not be as many top twenty qualifiers at the event this year.

    3. DCA Digital Media Committee

      Mrs. Wymore noted that at this time the 2009 National Specialty does not have a videographer. There will be a daily newsletter and two photographers will be taking candid photos. There is a performance photographer who will share his photos for the daily newsletter. The daily newsletter will be subsidized by Purina as long as a full page ad appears in each issue. At this time the Digital Media Committee will be dissolved. A letter of appreciation will be sent to the members of the Digital Media Committee.

    E. Meg Hennessey

    1. Awards & Trophys - Laura Lightholder.

      Ms. Lightholder reported that she and Laurel Allen have been working on getting estimates for alternative trophies for 2010 and beyond. Attached to the committee report were several different proposals, including an Armetale proposal that includes both the Medallions that will be used this year and several Plate proposals. Pitcher prices have skyrocketed to $101.60 and are just not feasible due to cost.

      The current Standing Rules allow DCA to only purchase trophies from Wilton Armetale. If the Board decides to purchase trophies from a company other than Wilton Armetale, the Standing Rules must be changed. Mrs. Wymore made a motion superseding all other Standing Rules that trophies may be purchased from any trophy company. Seconded by Mr. Cramer the motion was approved unanimously. Mrs. Skibinski made a motion to purchase DCA National Specialty trophies for the next two years from Carson Specialties Alternative #2 for $11,183.28. This will include the twelve inch Charger Plate, the ten and one half inch General Plate, the eight inch Salad Plate and the six inch Desert Plate. Seconded by Mrs. Baley the motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Cramer made a motion superseding all other Standing Rules that the DCA National Show Committee will set the sponsorship prices for trophies. Seconded by Mr. Lawson the motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Cramer made a motion superseding all other Standing Rules that the trophy pattern will be left up to the discretion of the National Show Committee thus deleting the three year trophy pattern rotation. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore the motion approved unanimously.

      Agility trophies will remain the same for 2009 and 2010. The Fast Class will be a ribbon and the Preferred Class will be a first place only. The purpose of the Performance Fund was revisited. It was originally set up to pay for performance expenses only and not trophies. Mr. Cramer made a motion superseding all other Standing Rules that the Performance Fund be used to pay for expenses that include performance Judges’ expenses and performance site costs only. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore the motion was approved unanimously.

      Ms. Lightholder would like to step down as Trophy Chair and would like to remain on the committee. Ms. Lightholder submitted Laurel Allen’s name as the new Trophy Chair.

    2. Membership Education - Sue MacMillan

      Ms. MacMillan submitted a written report noting they are working with the authors and Julia Soukup to get updated articles ready for the DCA Web Site. The committee is waiting for a new Health and Research Committee Chair.

      Contracts are in pieces, but a one size fits all is really difficult. The committee is going to change the way we deal with these contracts in hopes of speeding up the process. Another suggested contract was for breeder take-backs.

      Ms. MacMillan requested some committee changes. Cheryl Bryant, Linda McSherry and Cathy Nogar will stay on with Deby Harber and Nan Dittrick coming off. Ms. MacMillan also requested to add Toni Linstedt and Toni Searcy.

    3. Purina Pro Club Challenge - Meg Hennessey.

      Mrs. Hennessey reported receiving a letter from the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program noting the Dalmatian Club of America through its participation in the Purina Parent Club Partnership (PPCP) Program has a great opportunity to enhance the health and well-being of the Dalmatian. Like the 166 other clubs participating in the program, The Dalmatian Club of America earns funding for important canine health studies, education efforts and rescue programs when Purina Pro Club members submit their weight circles and declare the Dalmatian Club of America to receive matching funds. As of November 30, 2008, the Dalmatian Club of America has 600 members declared for the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program. From January 1, 2008 through November 30, 2008, 145 members have submitted weight circles resulting in a total of $2,744.48 accumulated thus far for the 2008 program. The Board supports this program and requests the membership send in weight circles.

      Purina is requesting a link to the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program web site on our web site. The Board favored this idea. Plus a list of DCA sponsored AKC Canine Health Foundation Studies from 2000 to date will be published in the Spotter.

    F. Norma Baley

    1. Futurity - Steven E. Nielsen.

      Mr. Nielsen submitted a written report showing there are 97 nominated litters in the 2009 Futurity compared to 125 nominated litters in 2008, a 23% decrease. There are 218 nominated pups in the 2009 Futurity compared to 318 nominated pups in 2008, a 31% decrease. This is the normal pattern as a large Futurity is historically followed by a 25% decrease the following year.

      Liz Hancock was elected by secret ballot to judge the 2009 Futurity. There were 94 ballots sent out and 56 were returned. Of the 56 returned, 3 were disqualified and 53 were tabulated. The disqualified ballots would not have changed the results. Historically 54% of the nominated pups are entered in the Futurity so an entry of about 115 would be expected compared to 168 in 2008. Mr. Lawson made a motion that superseding all other standing rules that all ballots mailed to the membership including Conformation, Futurity and Sweepstakes judges are counted by an independent teller. Seconded by Mr. Cramer the motion was approved unanimously.

      In the 2010 Futurity there are 33 nominated litters compared to 33 for 2009. There are 12 nominated pups for 2010 compared to 10 nominated pups for 2009. It was noted that a third or more of all AKC Dalmatians litters are Futurity nominated.

      Mrs. Boyd made a motion superseding all other Standing Rules that the Futurity Bitch Nomination fee be $20.00. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore the motion was approved unanimously.

      In 2009 the fee for entering the Futurity is $30.00, which includes a $10.00 sustaining fee. In 2010 the fee for entering the Futurity will be $40.00, which includes a $10.00 sustaining fee. The premium list will reflect the entry amount noting the sustaining fee in brackets. Also, the Standing Rules allow for the Futurity Chair to be bonded.

    2. Judges Education - Elaine Lindhorst.

      Mrs. Lindhorst reported that a picture of a tri colored Dalmatian has been added to the Judge’s Education Page on the DCA Web Site. She will also have extra VCR copies of the Dalmatian video available to DCA members at the National Specialty in April for of $5.00.

      Mrs. Lindhorst has planned a seminar to be presented in conjunction with the National Specialty in April. Also, Gayle Riggins and Angie Tarverna will be presenting a seminar for the Triangle Area Judges Association on May 6, 2009. This is not an approved DCA seminar.

      The Board reviewed the guidelines for selecting prospective mentors and presenters for Judges Education. The Board discussed the need to have more mentors approved. Mrs. Lindhorst would like to present a seminar to DCA members. The Board acknowledged the need for such a seminar but decided it would be best presented as a program for members next year.

    3. Public Education - Joanne Nash.

      No action required.

    G. John Cramer

    1. Junior Showmanship - Mary Miller.
      Ms. Miller submitted a written report stating the program for Juniors at the National is dependent upon the number of Juniors that have signed up for our Junior Clinic. Since there were only two Juniors that registered there will not be a Junior Clinic this year. The committee would still like to have the Juniors get together for a pizza party.

      It was noted that the DCA Junior Showmanship Medallion is awarded whether or not the Junior is a DCA member. This medallion was awarded prior to starting junior memberships in DCA. The Board discussed the importance of encouraging Juniors to become a Junior member in DCA. For only $10.00 a Junior member receives the Spotter and is eligible to apply for a scholarship and other DCA programs.

    2. Regional Club Council - Karen Linsky.
      Ms. Linsky submitted a report stating the regional club council will be having a meeting at the National Specialty. John Cramer has graciously agreed to chair the meeting since Ms. Linsky will not be able to attend.

      An updated spreadsheet of regional club contacts was submitted to the Board. The spreadsheet was also forwarded to Sheila Wymore for her use in a project for the National Specialty.

      Ms. Linsky felt it would be in the best interest of the committee if she stepped down from being the chair since she will not be able to attend the National Specialty for several years. The Board felt Ms. Linsky should remain as Regional Club Council and will request she stay.

    3. Standing Rules - John Cramer.
      Mr. Cramer submitted a written report informing the Board that the Standing Rules are being reviewed with the help of Ed Flock, past Board member. Mr. Cramer passed out new Standing Rules that are now implanted in the Standing Rule Document thus making it up to date. Mr. Cramer would like to thank Ed Flock for helping him with this project. This committee is currently working on the attachments and will have some motions regarding these at the next meeting. When completed, the Standing Rules will be placed on a disk for Board members.

    H. Laura Lightholder

    1. Breeder Referral - Jackie Quinn. No action required.

    2. Performance Events - Rick Miller.

    3. Agility - Holly Waldrop.

      Mrs. Waldrop submitted a written report informing the Board that Dalmatians were well represented by three DCA members at the 2008 AKC Agility Invitational event in Long Beach, California. Marc Ogle and Phoenix, Marie Mori and MACH Luke, and Holly Waldrop and MACH 2 Boo showcased innate agility and versatility of our handsome breed. The Top Dog medallion for Dalmatians was won by MACH 2 Boo and Holly Waldrop.

      The second all-breed agility trial co-hosted by DCA and the Clarksville Kennel Club is on track for July 31, August 1-2, 2009 in Murfreesboro, TN. Judges for this year are Gerald Marotta, Dan Faulkner, Nancy Davis and Kele McGlohon. The runs have been increased to 750 a day, per Board approval, and the committee expects a wonderful turn out.

      Ribbons have been ordered for both the all-breed event and the 2009 DCA National Specialty, as per discussion with Show Chair Sheila Wymore and Event Secretary Lynn Luikart. Undated ribbons, as allowed by AKC for agility trials, will be a cost savings. The ribbons will be used at both events and can be kept from year to year. Mrs. Waldrop has taken advantage of a 10% off sale for early ordering from the vendor and will be responsible for storage and transportation of the ribbons.

      The 2008 Agility statistics have been compiled and are ready to be submitted to the editor of the Spotter for publication in the Top Spots issue. Pursuant to a discussion with the Spotter editor, Mrs. Waldrop will be sending the congratulatory letters to the owners of Dalmatians who have achieved rankings, including an invitation to advertise their achievements in the Top Spot issue. Mrs. Waldrop is requesting that future Agility data be sent directly to the Agility Chair from AKC. Sheila Wymore will see that Mrs. Waldrop receives the report requested in the future.

    4. Obedience - Lynn Luikart.

      Ms. Luikart submitted a written report sharing that the 2008 AKC National Obedience Invitational had one Dalmatian team competing, CH OTCH Stonehill’s Ima Handsome Dude UDX4, RE, AX, OAJ (TJ) and Stephanie Podejko. TJ won the medallion for the second year. If time permits, Sheila Wymore would like to schedule time for a team Obedience demonstration. The Board agreed this decision is up to DCA National Show Chair Sheila Wymore.

    5. Road Trials - Peggy Strupp.

      Mrs. Strupp submitted a written report stating the Road Trial Committee has approved a Road Trial to be hosted by the Central Carolina Dalmatian Club on June 6, 2009, in Frogsboro, NC. Host Chairs are Gayle Riggins and Dona Gump. The CCDC held a “Road Trial-CC Test Only” in 2008. The CCDC Road Trial for 2009 will be a full Road Trial, including CC, RD, and RDX classes. On their application, CCDC also requested “blanket approval” for full Road Trials for the next two years. This request was tabled pending completion of a “full” Road Trial by the CCDC.

      The Mid Florida Dalmatian Club hosted their 6th successful Road Trial on February 7, 2009 in the Goethe State Forest near Dunellon, FL. Two new dogs earned their RD titles, including a 4th generation Road Dog owned by Mary-Lynn Jensen and the 10th Dalmatian at “Bottoms Up”(Janey Randlett) to earn a Road Dog title.

      Plans are underway for the National Road Trial to be held in conjunction with the DCA on April 2, 2009 at Dunn’s Landing in Wellsville, KS. Rental horses are available at a reasonable cost, as well as stalls for personal horses. Dunn’s Landing will provide a rental horse, cart and driver for entrants in the CC test. The committee expects about 4 to 6 exhibitors at this trial. Kudos to Sheila Wymore, Rosie Branaman and the DCA for making this event available. Spectators are welcome.

      The Road Trial Committee is currently discussing ideas to interest new and continuing exhibitors. They are considering additional classes and titles. Mrs. Strupp requests that Cathy Raver and Terri Bailey be added to the committee.

    6. Tracking – Elaine Dodson. No action required.

    I. Robert Lawson

    1. Health and Research - Robert Lawson

      Mr. Lawson reported for the Health and Research Committee. It was noted that a new Health and Research Chair is needed. Mrs. Wymore made a motion to nominate Dr. Ginger Iwaoka for Health and Research Chair. Seconded by Mr. Cramer the motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Iwaoka will have several committee chairs to fill. Mr. Lawson will gather information and questions from the Board members and general membership on the LUA Dalmatians. This will be shared with the membership and a plan devised on what to do next.

      DCA is hosting the Health Testing at the 2009 National Specialty. DCA will request one half of the testing funding from DCAF for the CERF and OFA registration fees.

    2. Statistics - Robert VonMayr.

      Mr. VonMayr answered four emails on statistics and pedigrees. He also worked with Sheila Wymore to attain the regular conformation pull and to define the needed dream pull. Mr. Cramer made a motion to authorize a data pull from AKC with the parameters requested by our statistician. Seconded by Mr. Lawson the motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Lawson made a motion to approve the reports of the Standing Committees and accept the committee changes. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore, the motion was approved unanimously.


  1. Review of “List of Things to Do.
    President Hennessey led a discussion reviewing the “Things to Do” from the last meeting, covering the items that were each board member’s responsibility to handle after the last meeting.

  2. Review of Color - Michelle Wrath
    Mrs. Wrath submitted a five page written report. The Color Video was sent out on February 1, 2009. Feedback was solicited from the Color Video Committee members and the DCA Board, both current and incoming as of February 1, 2009. The overall feedback was very positive. Mrs. Wrath received quotations for the items identified in the feedback that have been proposed to be changed. Re-recording of the audio would cost $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 and edits to video content per the attached would cost $800 to $1,000. If all changes are made, the cost to DCA will be approximately $4,000 to $5,000. This does not include costs associated with video duplication and distribution of the final product. The Board would like to revisit the transcript and will supply Mrs. Wrath with ideas for the narration.


  1. Filling of Board Vacancy - Class of 2010
    Mrs. Baley made a motion to appoint Connie Wagner to fill a Board vacancy created by Dr. Mary-Lynn Jensen PhD Class of 2010 term by her resignation. Seconded by Mrs. Boyd the motion was approved unanimously.

  2. CHIC Numbers – Norma Baley.
    Mrs. Baley shared that Sharron Podleski would like more information on how to attain a Canine Health Information Center Number. The Board will request the new Health and Research Chair Dr. Ginger Iwaoka look into providing this information and post it on the DCA Web Site once it is defined.

  3. Backcross/LUA Dalmatian Proposal – Joy Benner.
    A proposal from Joy Benner was received and reviewed. The Board acknowledges that there is a need to gather more information about Backcross/LUA Dalmatians.

  4. Regional Specialties – Meg Hennessy.
    Mrs. Hennessey encouraged the Board to attend Regional Specialties to visibly stay in touch with the membership.


1. The second quarter meeting of the DCA Board of Governors will be on Saturday, April 4, 2009, in Lawrence, KS, commencing at 8:00 AM CST. Future meeting dates will be determined at the April meeting.




    Mrs. Boyd made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 7:50 PM CST. Seconded by Mr. Cramer, the motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Skibinski
DCA Recording Secretary

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Page last updated: May 8, 2009

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