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Dalmatian Club of America
Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2009 - Lawrence Holiday Inn Holidome - Lawrence, KS


    The second quarter meeting of the Dalmatian Club of America Board of Governors was called to order at 8:00 AM CST on Saturday, April 4, 2009, at the Holiday Inn Lawrence, Lawrence, KS by the President, Mrs. Meg Ispas-Hennessey, DCA Governors present were Mrs. Norma Baley, Mrs. Sharon Boyd, Mr. John Cramer, Mr. Robert Lawson, Ms. Laura Lightholder, Mrs. Diana Skibinski, Mrs. Connie Wagner and Mrs. Sheila Wymore, as well as AKC Delegate Mr. James W. Smith and past President Dr. J. Charles Garvin.


    The minutes of the first quarter meeting on February 28, 2009 were previously reviewed by the board via electronic mail and accepted with corrections as made. Mr. Cramer made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected and reviewed. Seconded by Mr. Lawson, the motion was approved unanimously.


  1. President - Meg Hennessey.

    President Hennessey reported it has been a very short time since the Board last met but nothing has slowed down or waited for the Board to catch up. E-mail, text messaging, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, keeps us more connected than we want or like. We are not going to go back to the good old days of the United States Postal Service to do business.

    There is a structured writing campaign going on pressing the backcross issue, proclaiming that we are “hopelessly deadlocked” and AKC should step in and permit the registration of Stipples descendants. The opposing viewpoint has been offered but it is ignored more often than not. The Board needs to remember that we represent ALL of the DCA membership. President Hennessey submitted a request that she has written to the DCA membership for input on the Backcross issue. She would like to put it in the next issue of the SPOTTER. This can also be placed on-line and on the e-list.

    Dr. Garvin’s article on embracing criticism comes at a time when it seems we are criticized for every item possible. The Board cannot please everyone. That is impossible. What we can do is keep in mind the best interests of the Dalmatian and the Dalmatian Club of America.

    As President Hennessey put together this meeting’s agenda and reports, she marveled at how much the Dalmatian Club of America really does. Looking forward for this year, we can be pro-active in many areas: Health, Legislation, Rescue Education, the National Specialty, and we can still have fun with our Dalmatians. Isn’t this why we got involved with the club in the first place to have fun and enjoy our Dalmatians?

  2. Vice-President - Mrs. Wymore had no remarks.

  3. Recording Secretary - Mrs. Skibinski had no remarks.

  4. Corresponding Secretary - Sharon Boyd.

    Mrs. Boyd reported that since the last Secretary’s report, submitted February 28, 2009, she has performed all duties as prescribed by the Board of Governors in the Things To Do List including but not limited to, sent To Do List and updated committee lists to all Board members, Dr. Garvin and Mr. Smith; sent thank you letters to all departing committee chairs; executed all correspondence and contracts with respect to plans for Board meeting/lunch in Lawrence; received and chronicled copies and originals of various contractual agreements for 2009-10 national specialties; continued ongoing dialogue with AKC with respect to various issues relevant to 2009 National specialty; as directed by the Board, sent Mrs. Connie Wagner all signature forms relative to her filling the vacancy on the Board and she returned same immediately; prepared and submitted to printer materials for notice of annual membership meeting; received letters of resignation from Susanne Hughes and Carol Hunter; received catalog for trophies and gave to Laura Lightholder; received several returned ballot packets and meeting notices for incorrect address or forwarding orders expired and shall provide these to the Treasurer; sent get well cards to Dr. Doane and Peggy Rudder; prepared notice of the meeting of the Board of Governors and email to all Governors, Dr. Garvin and Mr. Smith as well as to all committee chairs who were asked to submit the reports of their committees to Mrs. Hennessey; received phone bills for conference calls made on 12/8 and 2/11, totaling $470.05. and shall provide to Treasurer; corresponded via email with AKC representatives with respect to supporting the entry of our breed at the Eukanuba National Championship show, December 12-13, 2009, in Long Beach, California, received information from Hemopet about canine Fresh-Frozen Plasma for use in treating Fading Puppy Syndrome and providing a source of globulins to protect orphaned puppies against the more common environmental pathogens to which they are exposed; received various news releases and information packets from AKC on a variety of subjects most of which are not relevant to DCA; sent an updated list of committees to SPOTTER and Webmaster.

    Mrs. Boyd responded to various letters, calls and emails of inquiry received from the public and the membership on such subjects as specialty matters, minutes, diet, registration, deafness, health issues, address changes, membership applications and dues. The registration insert forms continue to dribble in at a slow rate and are responded to with a Red Book.

  5. Treasurer - John Cramer

    Mr. Cramer presented a four-part report to the board in which he summarized the financial standing of the club, the national specialty, and the status of other activities for which he is responsible.

    1. Mr. Cramer itemized the financial reports.

      1. Account Balance from January 1, 2009 through March 25, 2009 totaled $106,818.11

      2. Income and Expense Statements from January 1, 2009 through March 25, 2009 showed income of $35,842.84 and expense of $36,164.59, for a net loss of $321.75 year to date which does not include $2,000.00 transfer funds to the new Treasurer and funds that are still to be received.

      3. Current financial standings for the 2009 Sunflower Specialty were reviewed with income to date of $28,777.00 and expenses of $10,257.44 with a current net total of $18,519.56. A full report will be available at the next Board meeting.


    AKC Delegate - James Smith.

    Mr. Smith reported that there is nothing to vote on at the Delegate Meeting in June. One of the most important things he had to touch on, as he has in the past, was the financial situation of the American Kennel Club. Mr. Smith shared that the AKC gave an extensive overview of the proposed ten group alignment at the last Delegates Meeting.

    Mr. Lawson made a motion to approve the Officers and Delegate reports. Seconded by Mrs. Baley, the motion was approved unanimously.


    A. Meg Hennessey

    1. Ethics - Edward Flock

    Mr. Flock submitted a written report stating there are no current Ethics issues to report for this quarter. He brought forth a few items for consideration. One item of concern was the use or misuse of electronic mail in respect to the Ethical Guidelines and the activities of the DCA Members List moderators. It was noted that Ethical Guidelines number 14 and 17 address electronic email use or misuse. An article noting this will appear in the SPOTTER. Additional moderators have been added to the DCA Members List which seems to be working well. Another item of concern is the use of electronic mail in respect to the By-Laws and Standing Rules. Laura Lightholder is researching this concern. The last item of concern is the ownership of the DCA Web Site. Currently, the DCA Website is owned by the Dalmatian Club of America. The Board designated President Meg Hennessey as the administrator/owner, Treasurer John Cramer as the financial contact, and DCA Webmaster Julia Soukup as the technical advisor.

    2. Legislative Liaison – Marie Fiore.

    Ms. Fiore will be writing an article on legislation for the SPOTTER.

    3. Public Relations - Julie Lux.

    No action required.

    4. Web Page - Julia Soukup.

    Ms. Soukup joined the Board meeting to give her report in person. She reported software was chosen and the SPOTTER is now online. The Board thanked and congratulated Ms. Soukup for her efforts on completing this project. The SPOTTER will be available for all to view. Using video in future online ads, as well as, future e-blasts for all interested viewers was discussed. Mrs. Skibinski made a motion to confirm the purchase of the online software. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore, the motion approved unanimously.

    Ms. Soukup reported she is still researching software for the Members Only Section. She is seeking software that uses an id number and supplies a password. The Members Only Section will possibly include the minutes, members’ directory, by-laws, standing rules and other items.

    Ms. Soukup held a Question and Answer Session for the Board. The Board acknowledged there is a huge amount of information on the DCA Web Site. Though the DCA Web Site has been recently redesigned, Ms. Soukup will be removing the spots on the background and adding the flashing informational banner. The DCA Members List moderators’ names were shared and duties reviewed. The Board thanked Ms. Soukup for her dedication and work on the DCA Web Site.

    B. Sheila Wymore

    1. AKC Gazette - Sharon Boyd.

      Mrs. Boyd submitted a written report noting there are no issues to report.

    2. Historian - Cheryl Steinmetz.

      Mrs. Steinmetz submitted a written report on the committee’s recent activities. She has located, scanned; and sent material to the SPOTTER and discussed the new Historian’s Page with the staff; sent Specialty photos to the webpage; located and mailed videos to Elaine Gewirtz for an AKC Gazette article she is writing; located, scanned and sent photos to Prue Stuhr for a SPOTTER article she is writing on Barbara Partridge.

      Mrs. Steinmetz requested another year of storage for the Historian materials. Mrs. Skibinski made a motion to approve a year of storage for the Historian. Seconded by Mrs. Boyd, the motion was approved unanimously. Mrs. Steinmetz requested direction on disposal of the Johnson Collection English material. The Board directed Mrs. Steinmetz to first offer these materials to Robert VonMayr, then AKC, EBay, a judges group, a vendor and lastly to recycle them properly.

      Mrs. Steinmetz has added to the DCA collection since the November 1, 2008. This consists of article/letters to the editor and representative emails concerning the NUA Dalmatians and DCA votes. She has also added the Spring, Summer and Fall 2008 SPOTTERS to the Historian’s collection.

    3. The Spotter - Marie “Debbie” Zink.

      Ms. Zink submitted a written report indicating the Winter 2009 SPOTTER is out and available online. The Spring 2009 SPOTTER should be wrapped up by early May.

      Ms. Zink will be making changes regarding the Top Spot counting. Sheila Wymore, Board Liaison sent a request to AKC by mail to change the monthly report (dogs finishing Championships, agility titles and Obedience titles). Ms. Zink just received the report for dogs finishing titles for February 2009. She will continue to send this report to Robert VonMayr and Steven Neilson. Possibly a spot counter chair is needed.

      Each member of the SPOTTER Team who is attending DCA will be attending a meeting. Both Sheila Wymore and President Hennessey will attend this meeting. They will discuss where they need to make changes, what they currently like about the SPOTTER and any way they can make the SPOTTER timely. All ideas will be welcome. Ms. Zink will have a tentative schedule for publication for the rest of the year. Within 6 months, Ms. Zink hopes to have a completed guideline of how the SPOTTER is put together and each manager’s responsibility. Ms. Zink will also meet with the Performance groups at DCA to work towards a more complete magazine for all. There will be more information available after the various meetings.

    C. Diana Skibinski

    1. DCARE - Cindy Bowman.

      Mrs. Bowman submitted a written report requesting to add DCA member Donna York to the committee. Donna York was added to the committee. Mrs. Bowman noted the rescue database has been fully updated. All phone numbers and web sites listed have been checked for accuracy. A message will be placed on both the DCA Members List and Showdals to find any individuals who rescue Dalmatians and wish to have their name included on the rescue database directory. If necessary, the database will be updated a final time. However, this will not be completed until after the national Show as it was felt people were busy at this time preparing for the show. The rescue phone line will remain at the home of Diana Skibinski at this time. Diana Skibinski will contact AKC and have Cindy Bowman’s name listed as the DCARE Committee Chair.

      The committee has received a request for reimbursement of funds from Gilda Turner. She has completed all necessary paperwork and documentation for reimbursement of two rescued Dalmatians. This information will be reviewed and, if approved, forwarded to Rob Lawson.

      The committee would like to find a rescue story to be published in a future edition of the SPOTTER. Also, the committee needs to explore fund raising ideas.

    2. Membership - Mary Widder.

      Mrs. Widder submitted one name to be considered for membership. Mrs. Skibinski read the name to the board. Mrs. Skibinski made a motion to approve the membership of the submitted candidate. Seconded by Mr. Lawson, the motion was approved unanimously.

    3. Standard - Barbara Greenspan.

      No action required.

    D. Sharon Boyd

    1. Site Selection Committee - John Cramer.

      Mr. Cramer reported the 2009 and 2010 DCA National Specialty will be held in Lawrence, Kansas. In 2011, the DCA National Specialty will be in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. These contracts are approved and signed. Also, there are several interesting sites to consider. Many thoughts on site location, cost and scheduling were discussed.

      1. Specialty Show Committee

        1. April 2 - 8, 2009 Lawrence, Kansas. Sheila Wymore, Chair.

          Mrs. Wymore submitted a written report stating we have a smaller entry for this show; this was expected with the move to Lawrence and the economy. On the up side, our judging schedule will allow us time to prepare for all the evening events. According to Onofrio’s preliminary report, we have 213 dogs with 447 entries. Overall, we have an average percentage drop of 27%. Also, Obedience and Rally numbers, while down slightly, are still the lowest percentage drop of all the events.

          Our first attempt at an all-breed Tracking Trial appears to be a success. We have filled all entries, and in return for opening it to all breeds, a regional tracking club is assisting us with manpower to set tracks. The Road Trial has one RDA and two RDBs, with seven coaching certificate participants. A second RDA had to withdraw from competition due to horse and dog injuries. The Agility Trial also had a good entry and the committee is looking forward to exhibiting in the new venue. If all goes well, we will use this site again next year.

          As of the last report, we have filled our hotel reservation quota. There have been the usual last minute details that need to be worked out, but nothing monumental.

        2. April 1 – 7, 2010 Lawrence, Kansas - Sheila Wymore.

          Mrs. Wymore reported that Logo items will be promoted after the general membership meeting at the 2009 show. Magnets will be available for handout. The back page of the 2009 catalog will feature info on the 2010 DCA and Heartland shows.

          The trophy committee has chosen their selection for 2010 and a trophy donation book will be circulated at the various events for donor signup.

    2. Top Twenty – John Cramer.

      Mr. Cramer reported everything is ready for the Top Twenty Event. There is an entry of 16 dogs with 15 showing. Five past Top Twenty Winners will be present.

    E. Connie Wagner

    1. Awards & Trophys - Laurel Allen.

      Mrs. Allen submitted a written report informing the Board that DCA had 100% sponsorship of all special, conformation and junior handler trophies from various donors. Performance trophies were paid for through the Performance Fund. All trophy and sponsor information for the 2009 show catalog has been submitted to Onofrio. Final work is being done to prepare trophies for the 2009 DCA National Specialty.

      Mrs. Allen was notified on March 1, 2009 of the Board’s decision in regards to trophies for the 2010 and 2011 Specialty Shows. On March 2nd she contacted the representative at Carson Specialties to let them know DCA would be placing an order for the Queen Anne plates in April 2009. Carson Specialties was extremely pleased that they were receiving the opportunity to provide trophies for DCA.

      Mrs. Allen has contacted Wilton Armetale and received quotes for three different patterns of platters that could be used for the DCA National Specialty “special trophies” for Best of Breed, Best of Winners, etc. She will provide this information to Sheila Wymore for final approval. Subsequent to all approvals, Mrs. Allen will be preparing the DCA National Specialty trophy sponsorship book that will be circulated for sponsors at the 2009 show.

    2. Membership Education - Sue MacMillan

      Ms. MacMillan submitted a written report noting a meeting was planned with Webmaster Julia Soukup during DCA week. This meeting is to discuss the logistics for adding articles and sample contracts to the DCA Web Site.

      The committee has decided that the articles will be available as stand-alone pdf articles as well as part of an Educational Notebook format. Both will be available on the DCA Web Site. The individual articles will include a release, giving permission to reprint the article in its entirety giving credit to the author and the club. Health related articles will be approved by the appropriate committee heads before publishing.

      Ms. MacMillan reported there will be a CHIC article in the next issue of the SPOTTER. An article on Lithotripsy is planned for the following SPOTTER. These articles will be then added to the DCA Web Site.

    3. Purina - Connie Wagner.

      Mr. Robert Ekle joined the Board meeting to deliver a check from Purina. This check had an additional $2,000.00 to sponsor the production of the DCA National Specialty Newsletter. Paula Olcott will produce this newsletter. The Board thanked Purina and Paula Olcott for their support.

      Mrs. Wagner submitted a written report stating the Futurity Pins have been sent out to the Futurity nominated dogs who finished their championships last year. Also, Dalmatians have earned $378.54 in the month of February from submitted weight circles with a total of $467.00.

    F. Norma Baley

    1. Futurity - Steven E. Nielsen.

      Mr. Nielsen joined the Board meeting to share a written report showing there are 97 nominated litters in the 2009 Futurity compared to 125 nominated litters in 2008, a 23% decrease. There are 218 nominated pups compared to 318 nominated pups in 2008, a 31% decrease. This is the normal pattern as a large Futurity is historically followed by a 25% decrease the following year.

      Liz Hancock was elected by secret ballot to judge the 2009 Futurity. There were 94 ballots sent out and 56 were returned. Of the 56 returned, 3 were disqualified and 53 were tabulated. The disqualified ballots would not have changed the results. The entry is 85 which is less than the 115 that was expected. Expenses for 2009 are $132.60 for postage and supplies, $200.00 for judge’s payment for $332.60 in total. Carry over from 2008 is $461.84 for which will be added to the prize fund. Gross prize fund estimate $4,341.84.

      There are 45 nominated litters for 2010 Futurity compared to 52 for 2009. There are 23 nominated pups for 2010 compared to 43 for 2009.

      Mr. Nielsen led a discussion on Futurity entry fees. He presented the Board with a Futurity prior payoff method and a Futurity 2009 payoff method. He noted that first the litter has to be nominated, then the puppy has to be nominated and finally there is a sustaining fee that needs to be paid. The sustaining fee was a part of the entry fee and through time this was forgotten. As an example at one time the sustaining fee was $10.00 and the entry fee was $10.00. On the entry form the entry was noted at $20.00 for Futurity. So the sustaining fee was always collected and has been paid out of the entry fee. The expense of the Futurity Stakes needs to be itemized to gain knowledge on cost this year. The show committee and futurity chair will list costs paid this year for the next Board meeting. These costs will be discussed fully at that time and a recommendation on the future sustaining fee/entry will be made.

    2. Judges Education - Elaine Lindhorst.

      Mrs. Lindhorst submitted a written report noting she will be presenting a seminar for prospective judges prior to breed judging as usual and another seminar for prospective mentors. Mrs. Lindhorst shared the Mentor and Presenters’ Guidelines. Mentors are to be responsible for the dissemination of both educational material and for providing hands-on guidance to persons wishing to become Dalmatian judges. For the purposes of the DCA Mentoring program, a mentor should meet the following criteria: A mentor shall be a Dalmatian Breeder or exhibitor that has owned a Dalmatian for a minimum of twelve years and has been a member of the DCA for a minimum of twelve years. A mentor shall be a member in good standing of the DCA and the American Kennel Club. A mentor should preferably be a breeder of Dalmatians for twelve years and should have demonstrated a strong effort to breed to the AKC standard and followed the ethical breeding guidelines of the DCA and has bred three or more champions. All mentors shall be approved by the DCA Board and listed by the Judges Education Committee and be willing to participate in mentoring prospective and future Dalmatian judges. Mentors giving DCA approved seminars should attend the DCA National Specialty and the related DCA National Seminar. Mentors shall be willing to attend shows, matches and particularly national and Regional Specialties to assist prospective judges with interpretation of the Dalmatian Standard through ringside tutoring and hands on evaluation, answering questions and providing education explanations and definitions of Dalmatian type, structure and movement. Discussions of all dogs should be strictly on the interpretation of the Standard. Show records should not be discussed. Promotion of individual dogs is not acceptable. Presenters should demonstrate the ability to communicate the standard on a non-biased basis, not a personal opinion or preference basis

      The Judges Education Committee shall compile a list of approved mentors. It will be necessary to have mentors spread geographically throughout the United States. Mentors can be called upon to mentor prospective judges, disseminate judge’s educational material and if approved as a presenter, give seminars throughout the year.

    3. Public Education - Joanne Nash.

      Mrs. Nash submitted a written report stating the committee continues to answer email received from questions@thedca.org. Jacki McGovern, Jeff Gillespie and Mrs. Nash take turns responding. This committee now functions on a three person rotation where each person takes four turns a year. The committee continues to receive inquiries on many topics, from dietary questions, training issues, health queries and questions on other topics, including why can’t lemons be shown, how old is the oldest Dalmatian, etc.

    G. John Cramer

    1. Junior Showmanship - Mary Miller.
      Ms. Miller reported there will be no seminar for Junior Showmanship at the 2009 DCA National Specialty due to low attendance. There will be a pizza party where DCA Junior Member Application Packets will be available.

    2. Regional Club Council - Karen Linsky.
      The Regional Cub Council will be meeting at 3:00pm on Sunday. Connie Wagner was invited to join this meeting to discuss the importance of the Purina Weight Circle Program. Also, the mentoring process of judges will be discussed.

    3. Standing Rules - John Cramer.
      Mr. Cramer submitted a written report informing the Board that the Standing Rules are being reviewed with the help of Ed Flock, past Board member. Mr. Cramer passed out a revised Standing Rules Document. The Board reviewed this document and made corrections as needed. Mr. Cramer would like to thank Ed Flock for helping him with this project. When completed, the Standing Rules will be placed on a CD for Board members. Mr. Cramer made a motion to accept changes in the Standing Rules since the last DCA Board meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Baley, the motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Cramer made a motion to approve all Attachments as amended and to make them a part of the Standing Rules. Seconded by Mrs. Skibinski, the motion was approved unanimously.

    H. Laura Lightholder

    1. Breeder Referral - Jackie Quinn. No action required.

    2. Performance Events - Rick Miller will be remaining as the Performance Coordinator.

    3. Agility - Holly Waldrop.

      Mrs. Waldrop submitted a written report informing the Board that the entries for the second all-breed agility trial co-hosted by DCA and the Clarksville Kennel Club open on Wednesday, May 27, 2009. Mrs. Waldrop has queried the SPOTTER staff about the possibility of advertising.

      Agility statistics for 2008 have been sent to the SPOTTER, along with an explanation of how the statistics are generated to be published. Congratulatory letters were mailed to the owners. The advertising editor reports good interest from agility competitors. Top Spot Certificates are ready for Board signatures. An envelope for the return of any unclaimed certificates was attached.

      The following people will comprise the Agility Committee going forward: Donna Dombourian, Debra Harrison, Mary-Lynn Jensen, Lynn Luikart, Marc Ogle, Judy Raven and Holly Waldrop. The committee would like to thank Joy Benner and Charlie Cyopik for their service to the committee .

    4. Obedience - Lynn Luikart.

      Ms. Luikart submitted a written report sharing that DCA has six Versatility Certificates to be awarded again this year. There are three Conformation Performance Certificates and three Performance Ability Certificates. The committee has completed the compilation of the Obedience Top Spots for 2008.

    5. Road Trials - Peggy Strupp.

      Mrs. Strupp joined the Board meeting to present her written report. She brought a Road Trial DVD from 2005 for the Board to view.

      The Board approved placing this DVD on the DCA Web Site. Mrs. Strupp introduced some the idea of increasing titles and levels due to the fact, it will increase participation for new, as well as, past exhibitors. Some possibilities could be a cart title, new title levels, endurance level using a bike or a championship title (RTCH or RDCH). The Board favored these suggestions and Mrs. Strupp will return to her committee to develop them further.

      Mrs. Strupp reported there are 13 new Road Trial titles for 2008 and 9 new Road Trial titles for 2009 thus far. Expected Road Trials for 2009 are Greater Washington Dalmatian Club Road Trial, Central Carolina Dalmatian Club Road Trial and perhaps Colorado.

      Mrs. Strupp presented the Board members with a beautiful print of a horse and Dalmatian she had painted. One copy was kept for the silent action. The Board thanked Mrs. Strupp for her dedication and work on the DCA Road Trial Committee.

    6. Tracking – Elaine Dodson.
      Ms. Dodson submitted a written report sharing the drawing for tracks (TD and TDX) was held March 21, 2009 at the home of the Test Secretary Sherry Cornwell. All entrants were notified by email. Members of the judges’ local tracking club will be track-layers. Printed directions to the Animal Emergency Center will be available at the event. The Tracking Trial Committee members will be reminded and re-invited to attend the event.

    I. Robert Lawson

    1. Health and Research - Ginger Iwaoka

      Dr. Iwaoka joined the Board meeting to present her written report. Dr. Iwaoka reported that she contacted each of the Health and Research Committees requested their biggest challenges and needs for funding. She gathered their requests for the Board. Dr. Iwaoka noted that there are several groups that are in need of Directors. She shared it would be valuable to obtain approval via email to fill these position, rather than wait until a meeting to present the names. She reviewed each committee and highlighted where a Director is needed.

      Dr. Iwaoka discussed future DCA Health Testing. She noted that DCA should hold a blood collection for the AKC/DNA bank. The blood storage is more expensive, but most major projects prefer blood samples over the cheek swabs for better results. Also, DCA should continue to offer CERF and thyroid testing. Possibly DCA should consider a cardiac evaluation to confirm the Dalmatian has a healthy heart. DCA Health Testing should also continue to offer microchip, Frequent Sires DNA Program and VetGen Color Testing. Danielle LeVangie will continue as the Health Testing Director unless another candidate is interested.

      Rob Lawson shared the need for another health survey conducted by an independent group that would be open to everyone. This would be pro-active in discovering current Dalmatian health concerns. The Canine Health Foundation, AKC and others will be tapped in developing this survey.

      1. Study Group on Allergies and Diet – Kelly Flannigan DVM.
        Dr. Flannigan is interested in a future survey on allergies and diet. There have been a few surveys conducted through email lists.

      2. Study Group on Hearing – Scott Facey. Mr. Facey and his committee were requested to rewrite the DCA Statement of Deafness. A rewrite was submitted but no action was taken. Dr. Iwaoka will look over the DCA Statement of Deafness rewrite to make sure it addresses only the puppy purchaser. Mr. Facey requests the funds to cover the OFA Hearing Database be extended.

        Dr. Iwaoka reported that during the AKC/Canine Health Foundation Symposium in October 2005, Dr. Lindbladt-Toh (MIT/Broad Institute) reported that it should be easy to find the gene(s) responsible for Dalmatian deafness with the new SNPchip technology. Samples for 25 Dalmatians were submitted as a control group for other studies. DCA/DCAF should encourage her to submit a request for funding. While this would not be inexpensive, this study could qualify to use Donor Advised Funds from the Canine Health Foundation.

      3. Study Group on Thyroid - Kelly Flannigan DVM. Dr. Flannigan has been looking over the data and consulting experts to see how DCA should progress. She is currently awaiting this advice. It was recommended that owners and DCA Health Testing continue thyroid testing in future DCA Health Clinics.

      4. Study Group on Seizures/Epilepsy – Director TBD. Dr. Iwaoka reported this committee is in need of a Director. She has emailed the members of this study group to see if there was any interest. Dr. Iwaoka has received no reply. Dr. Iwaoka encouraged contacting Liz Hansen (University of MO-Columbia) to see if new research is being considered. Then Dr. Garvin shared information on three Seizure/Epilepsy Studies. The first grant was 2304 with Dr. Gary Johnson at the University of Missouri. The result of this study was that the molecular genetic cause of canine epilepsy was not found. The second grant 762, also with Dr. Johnson, is using the Snip-chip technology and it has been very successful in other breeds. This study ended in October 2008 and the results are not available yet. The third grant 653A with Dr. Kate Chandler is at the Royal Veterinary College in London. She has sequenced the details of gene GABR2 and no mutations were found with this gene with respect to epilepsy.

      5. Study Group on Canine Orthopedics – Beth Bauer DVM. Dr. Bauer is considering an online questionnaire and is interesting in speaking to Road Trial participants to see if they have any concerns.

      6. Study Group on Urinary Stones – Kathy McCoubrey. Mrs. McCoubrey reported the defeated vote on the registration of the LUA Dalmatians has left a great deal of uncertainty about how any future research will be done. With this in mind, this study group feels DCA has a number of items we need to do. DCA needs to determine the extent stones are a problem in the breed. A protocol for performing bladder ultrasounds should be established so owners can have ultrasounds performed away from the stress of shows. DCA needs to research diets for stone formers. DCA needs to inform veterinarians that a simple urinary tract infection (UTI) does not mean the dog must be prescribed a prescription diet.

        To meet with the concerns brought by the committee, the following was recommended. Dr. Iwaoka and President Hennessey will plan a trip to the University of Tennessee in late summer to meet with Dr. Bartges. They will discuss ideas and how DCA should proceed. DCA will follow Dr. Bartges current study on diet to see if this is a viable alternative to U/D. Options need to be considered for determining how prevalent stone disease is in the Dalmatian population. DCA needs to find a way to spread the word that a simple urinary tract infection (UTI) does not require the dog to use a prescription diet. DCA will decide on research to apply the allotted $5,000.00 for stone research.

      7. Study Group on Low Uric Acid – Director TBD. Dr. Iwaoka emailed the committee members and did not receive any response. At this time, Dr. Iwaoka recommended DCA roll this committee into the Urinary Stone Group since they have similar objectives.

      8. Study Group on Eye Disorders – Director TBD. Dr. Iwaoka reported Dr. Judy Force has expressed an interest in the position once she has finished her board certification which will be approximately one year from now. DCA needs someone who will be willing to assume the position for one year. There has been some confusion as to the definition of ISD/iris hyperplasia and concern for misdiagnosis. Karen McDonnell had been working on an ISD database under Denise Powell. OFA has an ISD database and a separate database may not be needed.

    2. Statistics - Robert VonMayr. No action required

Mr. Cramer made a motion to approve the reports of the Standing Committees and accept the committee changes. Seconded by Mrs. Wagner, the motion was approved unanimously

The DCA Board Meeting temporarily recessed at 3:00 PM for the DCAF Meeting. The DCA Board Meeting resumed at 4:50 PM.


  1. Review of “List of Things to Do.
    President Hennessey led a discussion reviewing the “Things to Do” from the last meeting, covering the items that were each Board member’s responsibility to handle after the last meeting.

  2. Review of Color Video
    The Color Video Ad Hoc Committee will be rolled into the Judges’ Education Committee. DCA would like to thank the Color Video Committee for their efforts.

  3. DCA Copyright
    The Board confirmed that all work performed for the Dalmatian Club of America is the property of the Dalmatian Club of America. All work will have the copyright symbol, date and the Dalmatian Club of America visibly placed on it. This will be noted on the DCA Board of Governor and Membership Applications.

  4. AKC/Eukanuba 2009 Show
    The Board confirmed DCA is supporting this show.

  5. DCA Resignations
    President Hennessey reported most resignations have been sent directly to Corresponding Secretary Boyd. Once Mrs. Boyd receives a resignation it is accepted immediately. However, one resignation was sent through the DCA Members List. Within 24 hours this person changed their mind and wanted to remain a member of DCA. Pending further information, the Board tabled this item until the next Board meeting.


  1. AKC Parent Club Coupons
    President Hennessey received an email from Pat Lauren AKC Parent Club Committee Chair. Any person attending or working on a committee at the national club specialty is eligible for $20.00 in coupons. These coupons can be redeemed on the AKC Web Site. Mrs. Hennessey will create an email list after requesting if any attendees are not interested in sharing their email.

  2. AKC Gazette – Sheila Wymore.
    Mrs. Wymore reported AKC is accepting ads for the AKC Gazette for their 125th Anniversary. Rob Lawson made a motion to place a $475.00 black and white ad in the AKC Gazette for their 125th Anniversary. Seconded by Diana Skibinski, the motion was approved unanimously. Mrs. Wymore will request Paula Olcott to create the ad for the AKC Gazette.


The third quarter meeting of the DCA Board of Governors will be on Saturday, August 22, 2009, in Bloomington, MN, commencing at 8:00 AM CST. Future meeting dates will be determined at the August meeting.




    Mr. Lawson made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at 5:50 PM CST. Seconded by Mrs. Wymore, the motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Skibinski
DCA Recording Secretary

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